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Adult FriendFinder
Und hier nochmal der Anti-Spam Teil vom Original-Text des Vertrages, den jedes Werbemitglied mit AFF unterschreibt. Wie gesagt, unser lieber 931789 hält sich nicht dran
13. Anti-Spamming Policy "Friendfinder" prohibits you from engaging in any form of unsolicited commercial emailing (commonly referred to as "spamming") or the sending of e-mails that are misleading, spoofed, contain misleading subject lines, contain inaccurate or misleading sender or recipient data, or violate applicable State or Federal Statutes. For the purposes of Friendfinder, Inc's definition, spamming also includes similar, abusive behavior in a third party "chat room" or website or the sending of unsolicited or misleading Instant Messages, Chatroom, Newsgroup, ICQ or IRC messages. Such behavior could include automatically sending scripted text (and website URLs) disguised as "chat" or conversation into any third party chat room. Friendfinder at its own discretion and not as its exclusive remedy, reserves the right to suspend, terminate or by any other method, discipline any affiliate without further notice or pay if it is determined that the affiliate was spamming or in violation of this provision or in violation of applicable law. You hereby represent, agree, and warrant that you shall only send commercial e-mail to those who opted-in and consented to receive such commercial e-mail and you further represent, agree, and warrant that as proof of the above you shall maintain, use, and update in real time an "E-Mail Database" that contains a full audit trail of all persons or entities who opted-in and consented to receive any commercial e-mail advertisements sent by you (or at your request) during the term of this agreement including, the date of the opt-in consent, the manner, date, time, location (URL if by web form), scope, and method of the opt-in consent, the e-mail address (and PII and/or Static IP address if obtained) that opted-in, and all the e-mails sent to such e-mail address, and requests to opt-out by such e-mail address along with the manner, date, time, location (URL if by web form), scope, and method of such opt-out. You hereby agree to act expeditiously to remedy any and all complaints of spam or unsolicited commercial e-mail, including but not limited to, opting-out such persons from receiving further e-mails from you. You further agree to fully and immediately respond to any and all requests or queries we make of you requesting information and/or written reports of data located in the E-Mail Database. In addition, you agree to make immediately available to us for inspection and querying, upon our demand of you during the term of this agreement and for five years after termination, the E-Mail Database in a usable and secure manner remotely or in person at our discretion. You also agree to preserve the integrity of the data in the E-Mail Database, to, amongst other things, provide evidence of opt-in consent of all e-mails sent during the term(s) of this agreement, and all such E-Mail Database data will be preserved (and not erased or destroyed) during the term of this agreement and for at least five years thereafter.